I can't believe all the genius people on this site and no one has figured out how to keep them off the dang porch. 120,420 views Oct 19, 2018 Don't get guinea fowl, they said. I got 2 new guineas, but how do I introduce them to my flock? They also eat weeds and weed seeds, making great little garden helpers. The difference with guineas is they do what they do, their pest control, right up until their dying day. Fly Away Little Guinea I keep food out for my chickens all day.. and my guinea fowl like to hang out with the chickens and eat there food.. so they have no desire to wander off. Know the downfalls. Now, I love silence. They have been out in their steer's pasture, which is not a problem. 3. They can fly very well, they like to travel as a group, sticking together and even hunting together and sharing the prey. They are more wild than domestic. Their meat is great guinea fowl can be butchered as early as 11 weeks. As for myself They are not for me only because of the noise. However, along with the house in the country came several pests, a lot more than one would find in the city or in the suburbs. Guineafowl have been shown to act as a deterrent to foxes. Check out my garden e-book and printable pack! They can even chase down small snakes and wont lose interest in chasing grasshoppers. Gardening under glass in the winter made flower gardening year-around a fascinating, wonderful hobby for me. She was shocked to find flower after flower that did not meet the standards for entry. When it came to guinea hens and snakes, I discovered that the guinea fowl would kill small snakes, warn us about predators or visitors (and anything else that was new or strange to them). Chickens are way less noisy when compared to Guinea fowls. As with chickens, guineas usually lay a clutch of eggs and then go broody, but if eggs are collected regularly, the birds will keep on laying. My guineas and chickens would occasionally roam around the farmed fields and I never spotted any loss of crops or destruction to the plants from my birds. Privacy Policy. Even though they are native to Africa and they will definitely prefer warmth, they are hardy and would survive the cold and snow. Their nutrient-rich manure can be composted and used in the garden. Silence is rest for me. Are you a guinea lover or are they not for you? Theyve eaten every insect they can get to but this one. WebKeeping Guinea Fowl - 3 Tips for Urban Guinea Fowl. When it comes to fly and mosquito control they are my personal go to. I didn't have any issues until last year. If you find this pleasurable, go ahead and get a few guineas. A recreational property, or any piece of wooded land, is not complete without some type of trail system. For someone that lives in an urban setting, the idea that public lands A hobby farm, homestead, or recreational property requires the procurement of specific tools and equipment. Different species of guinea fowl have been identified so far. Guinea meat is darker and richer than chicken, with less fat and lower cholesterol, and considered a delicacy in Europe and some trendy American restaurants. They are dumb and quite mindless sometimes. Looking to buy land? The presence of new birds creates a period of adjustment in order to create a new order. First, you must make certain that you live in an area where you are permitted to keep poultry. Guinea fowl meat is very popular in certain parts of the world. If you study your birds, you will notice that there is usually one that is Noisier, louder, and more easily triggered than the rest; we advise that you remove this bird from the flock. the Japanese beetles control)!!! Unlike chickens, who produce eggs throughout the year, guineas typically lay large a couple of times a year. Guineas take care of ticks, grasshoppers, Japanese beetles and other obnoxious bugs in your garden without wrecking your plants. JavaScript is disabled. They werent that interested in the feed, wanted nothing to do with the coop, and didnt cross paths with me much. To keep them quiet at night, we advise that you properly light their coop or shelter; this way, they can see and be less restless. Most of them have been domesticated with more or less success for hundreds of years. What are your thoughts on Guniea vs Chickens and the probability either could eradicate the issue before Im forced to sell. [2] They are noisy, so Required fields are marked *. They also eat weeds and weed seeds, making great little garden helpers. [9] Due to the spread of Lyme disease from ticks, Guineafowl are often kept because they will eat the ticks. Guinea fowl are not for everyone, but those of us who do keep guineas cannot imagine living without them. Unlike chickens, they tend to pick bugs and insects from within their reach and do not normally scratch for food and worms like chickens do. The house should have proper feed as well as fresh water available 24/7. Guinea fowl dont respect boundaries, instead, they wander around just like they do in the wild. While I was gone, one after the other, the guineas got ran over by cars. I hope you find a solution! That means that the yolk/egg whites ratio is higher which means that the eggs are very rich in protein and other nutrients (this is mainly because guinea fowl usually free-range). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They do best in a flock. All materials and statements provided on this website are for informational purposes only and should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical or health advice. What Does a Chicken Coop Need for Winter? If you leave things in the hand of a guinea hen, sadly, the keets will probably not survive. Tips for keeping guinea fowls quiet. Others in the room may have been tuned into the speaker and laughing at whatever was being said at the time, but I was focused on these birds and my laughter was directed at what was going on outside that window. They eat so much so fast! Make sure to keep away shiny objects that might trigger them to start a fight and injure themselves in the process. Wild guineas eat mainly insects, and domestic guineas can consume large amounts of insects without affecting garden vegetables or flowers. I also kept them in the same outdoor kennel for 3 months and never let them out and when I did let them out we grabbed them and trimmed their flight feathers so they couldnt just fly away right away. They have a specific social structure. Thank you very much for this enlightening information (esp. Known as the security alarm of the country, these birds arent your typical backyard chickens. Dont let their tiny size get you down (two guinea eggs equals one large chicken egg) The flavor is more delicate. Guineas are experts at hunting down pests like ticks, fleas, Japanese beetles, and tomato horn worms without tearing up garden plants. Ill get at least 10-15 birds and let them free range. Incubate the eggs and raise them as you would day old keets that you purchased. [2] They are noisy, so In the garden, they will eat all the different pests from beetles to caterpillars to whatever else is there without ruining your plants and garden (for the most part). Real land. This is attributed to the fact that guinea fowl retain a huge percentage of their wild instincts that help them survive and adapt to their natural habitat. How many males per females? I didnt do any research on them It was his thing. These birds love to explore far and wide, so you should provide them with a designated location to venture and relax when outside their coops. They would scratch anywhere on the property, uprooting grass, flowers, or whatever was in their way. If they do not approve of the singing of guinea fowl, you might opt to keep only guinea cocks (males). Since its more natural (the birds usually free-range), rich in protein (they eat bugs all day! Regards, They love to eat ticks aside from garden pests, they will also make sure that your homestead is free of ticks and even chiggers. if they are free-range they dont really need you to feed them. Guinea fowls take their free-ranging skills to the extreme. They are great foragers and will do just fine finding food. Another bonus: theyre cleaner than chickens. To anyone thinking of getting one of those cute little coops. Long. Guineas are experts at hunting down pests like ticks, fleas, Japanese beetles, and tomato horn worms without tearing up garden plants. Your email address will not be published. They fly higher and range farther than chickens. Everything You Should Know. Hello There, I am wondering if someone/anyone can tell me how to keep my guineas off of my front porch and away from the back door. They often use their guineas as watchdogs for their herd. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care professional for any questions you may have regarding your symptoms or medical conditions and before taking any home remedies or supplements. Greg. You may have seen them at the farmers market: their meat is darker than chicken, leaner than chicken, rich with vitamins and low in cholesterol. Hello everyone and welcome to the blog. If you make up your mind to raise guinea fowl, be ready to handle their aggressive behavior. Some people think they are just too much trouble or theyre stupid or whatever, says Gibson. Guineas are not happy in small groups, says Gibson. It is not uncommon to see them following the riding mower around the yard, grabbing bugs and insects stirred up by the mower. 1. Can I raise guineas in a cold climate? The numbers of actual guineas being sold is paltry (paltry poultry! They are entertaining there are many people who just like to have them around as pets They are beautiful in their own special ugly way, they interact with each other, you can find them high in the trees or in the bushes. I keep my guinea with the ducks, chickens, and goats and she does not care a bit (she has a problem in her leg and for some reason doesnt fly out of the fence). If you leave things in the hand of a guinea hen, sadly, the keets will probably not survive. This way, they will have specific things to do at every point in time and have less time to roam about. Dont let their tiny size get you down (two guinea eggs equals one large chicken egg) The flavor is more delicate. This is really a huge advantage and I think that if I ever own a flock of guineas again it will be for this reason. They are just difficult to tame because it may take you some time and patience to transform them. WebCheck your yard every day for chicken bones. What great personalities! They are kinda stupid Im sorry, I really really am but I am not sure how else to say it. Prior to learning how to raiseguineas, we raised chickens and a few ducks. Sustainable Living Day. Many organic gardeners are now into keeping guinea fowl because of their ability to rid a property of bugs and insects without the use of toxic chemicals. She will raise them as her own and take great care of them. I was able to fulfill a dream and had the room to construct a hobby greenhouse. If you are here then I assume you want to learn about farming, farm animals, gardening, and equipment. Your email address will not be published. I call them back to the barn asap and hope and pray they haven't done anything to harm his plants or seeds. They get noisy for several reasons, and understanding this can help you on your journey to accepting their noisiness and even in managing it. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Since its more natural (the birds usually free-range), rich in protein (they eat bugs all day! More often than not, guinea fowl make loud noises whenever one of them is separated from the rest of the flock. She will raise them as her own and take great care of them. It is understandable that all types of birds-both domestic and wild-strive to establish a pecking order. Keep them in the sun where they get good hot and stinking. That is why we have written this article so that we can inform you of ways you can keep your guinea fowls quiet. 1. If on the other hand, you find yourself starting to come up with all kinds of creative ways to end your life Guinea fowl are not for you. Raising Guinea Fowl: All you need to know to do it right, Everything You Want To Know About Guinea Fowl Eggs, Raising Guinea Fowl University of Kentucky, Raising Guinea Fowl: All You Need to Know to Do It Right, Everything You Want to Know About Guinea Fowl Eggs, 19 Vegetable Garden Plans & Layout Ideas That Will Inspire You, Growing Cabbage: How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Cabbage Successfully, About Faverolles Chickens: The Unique French Bird that Belongs in Every Backyard, 9 Steps to Deciding What to Plant in Your Vegetable Garden, Grape Juice Recipe: How to Make Delicious Grape Juice at Home, How to Make Gorgeous DIY Butcher Block Countertops in Only 8 Steps, 21 Surprisingly Tasty Dandelion Recipes Straight From Your Back Garden, How to Purify Water as a Life-Saving Emergency When SHTF, 31 Free DIY Bunk Bed Plans & Ideas that Will Save a Lot of Bedroom Space, When to Cull a Problematic Chicken and How to Do It, 31 Unique DIY Headboard Ideas To Turn Your Bed Into a Masterpiece, Growing Green Beans: All You Need to Know About Planting Green Beans, Splitting Wood: 3 Fail-Proof Methods to Chop Wood Everyone Can Do, Olla Irrigation System: A Water-Wise Way to Irrigate Small Gardens, 24 Interesting Ways to Use and Preserve Your Plums, 5 Fodder Types Explained and How to Know Which You Should Use, When and How to Prune Blueberries to Maximize Your Harvest.